Typically, this component can be placed anywhere, however by default we have placed it into the top right corner of this website design. Once you're logged in, the login box will dissapear. This is not an integral component of the Guestbook website application, however it is useful for Administrators to be able to log in.
[NUMO.ACCOUNTS: LOGIN BOX(always_show=1&title=Login)]The menu links component, if included with your package, is pre-placed into the top "More" menu. This list displayed are of links to guestbooks that you have set up.
Now, you can have multiple guestbooks in your site. A traditional guestbook for shout-outs from across the world, another for testimonials, and perhaps another for product reviews.
You can also set the system to require your review, before a submission is visible to the public.
Traditional Guestbook
Customer Testimonials
Product Reviews
Be sure to check your web server environment with your web hosting provider to make sure that it means the following requirements.
The display component can be placed on any static page (example: myguestbook.htm). You can either link to your static page with the "display component" on it, or use the LINKS component to dynamically link to any any live guestbook.
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